Love To Move - Consultation - Are you interested?


Love To Move - Consultation - Are you interested?

 Love to Move. A Consultation to establish local interest and potential localities. 

I hope this email finds you well. I am emailing to gather information regarding the possibility of introducing the Love to Move programme in the Scottish Borders. Love to Move is a fun, age friendly, seated movement programme to music which was developed by the British Gymnastics Foundation. It has proved to have physical, emotional and cognitive benefits designed to get you moving more and having fun. I am emailing to find out if this is something you would like to see us provide as part of our activity programme?

The programme has been developed for people living with a diagnosis and their family / carers to enjoy together and is delivered in a 1 hour session with the opportunity to have coffee and a blether afterwards. I have included a link to their website for more information

What would be really helpful for me is if you are able to answer the following questions?

Would you be interested in attending a Love to Move group?
What days / times would be most suitable for you?
Where would you like this group to be delivered (town / village)?
Would you be willing to pay a small fee to cover the cost of any room rental? If so, what would you find acceptable?
How often would you like this group to occur (weekly / fortnightly / monthly)?

Any information will help us to ensure any group is in a location and at a time that suits attendees.

Thank you for your participation and please feel free to share this email with anyone who you feel may be interested in Love to Move as an activity.


Kind regards



Gayle Thomson
Community Activities Organiser | Borders | 01573400323 | 07788 286312
Alzheimer Scotland - Action on Dementia, 19 Bridge Street, Kelso, TD5 7HT

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