Assisted Dying Survey (Age Scotland) Closes 16 Aug 2024


Assisted Dying Survey (Age Scotland) Closes 16 Aug 2024

Share your views on Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults

Would you be willing to share your views on the topic of assisted dying for terminally ill adults?

The Scottish Parliament is considering a proposal to create a new law which would mean adults who have an advanced and progressive terminal illness should be able to decide how and when their life should end. 

We know this issue is sensitive and older people do not have a singular or straightforward view. We intend to take a neutral position on this proposal but want to ensure that Members of the Scottish Parliament have as much information from older people as possible as they scrutinise it.

Liam McArthur is the Member of the Scottish Parliament taking this matter forward and he believes that the law in Scotland should allow access to safe and compassionate assisted dying for those who meet the criteria and want it, alongside other palliative and end of life care options.

Whether you support, oppose, or just don't know, we would really like to hear from you.

Click here to find out more about the proposal for assisted dying

Click here to share your views on Age Scotland Snap Survey

Click here to share your views directly with the Scottish Parliament

NOTE:  The survey closes on 16th August 2024 and you can complete a survey for BOTH Age Scotland and directly to the SCottish Paliament - (the questions are different).

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