RNID (Hearing) Drop In Centres


RNID (Hearing) Drop In Centres

We have updated our monthly drop-in list for our Near You Service in the Scottish Borders.  See attached for your information and please feel free to share. See document attached.

Please note, we’ve had to move the date of our Hawick session in July from Mon 15th to Mon 22nd July as the community hospital will be closed on the 15th.

We’ve also had to make the difficult decision to cancel our Lauder drop-in sessions due to low turn out and lack of volunteers, however we have added more sessions in other areas. 

If you or someone you know would like to know more about becoming a hearing aid support volunteer, please feel free to get in touch or visit our website for more information.  

Kind regards

Sian Bertram

RNID Near You Coordinator – Scottish Borders


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