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Lothian Hall Coffee Mornings are changing to the first Saturday of the month over the summer i.e. 6 July and 3 August, 10-12.

Thanks to a Warm Welcome Spaces grant coffee mornings at Lothian Hall, can be offered free of charge although donations will be very welcome.

All ages and families welcome.

Healthy home baking and fruit, hot drinks, children's toys and play corner for little ones.

Funded by a Warm Welcome Spaces Grant from Borders Community Action in partnership with the National Lottery Community Fund and Scottish Borders Council.

Car park to rear of hall.

If you'd like to help out occasionally by serving drinks, bringing along a cake or tidying up, please call Penny on 07403 456 327 or email her at

Next Coffee Morning Wednesday 5th June 2024, 10-12 and alternate Wednesdays thereafter i.e. next one is 19th June 2024.

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  • Organised by OXNAM WATER LADIES (OWLs)

    Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month (March – December) in the Oxnam Village Hall at 7.30pm.

    Our guest speakers cover a variety of interesting topics, followed by tea and cake. 

    A warm welcome to all, including men!

    2024 Syllabus Future Meetings are as follows:-

    August 6th – Outing to Beirhope Alpacas

    September 3rd – Drug Development, Bench to Bedside, Johnathan Turner

    October 1st – Finely Crafted Woodwork, Charles Taylor

    November 5th – Glass Studio, Rachel & Georgia Collins

    December 3rd – Christmas Dinner

    An annual subscription to the OWLs group is £12.

    Event charges are £6.00 per evening or £4.00 for OWL members.

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Join us for a special evening of music with young emerging artists from Glasgow, The Fountaineers Band. This soulful group are based in Scotland with roots in Scottish and American tradition, tethered by an interest in American roots and bluegrass music rarely
found in Scotland.

Such Amazing energy! They have such a happy time it’s impossible not to be carried up with them. Go and see them!”

Tickets are limited, please book in advance to avoid disappointment.

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Join us for an elemental journey of dancing with the cycles of nature 1pm to 7pm (you can participate in all or in part)

This experiential process will offer you the opportunity to engage directly with the seasons as they move through the year.
Supported by the wisdom of the Five Elements medicine wheel, we will move with each season and explore its emotional expression.

How can we learn from nature to flow, grow and let go- and embody this in our lives?

This is an invitation to witness how nature expresses itself and bring that awareness as we move with the world within and around us.

We will be sharing this year-long process as a community group and connect in person each season to explore this together.

Schedule for the day:
  • 1pm Greet & welcome 
  • 2pm: Medicine Walk 
  • 3pm: Dance 
  • 6pm: Meal to share 
  • 7pm: Fire 
2024 Dates:
  • SPRING: Saturday 27th April - Concluded 
  • SUMMER: Saturday 29th June - Concluded
  • HARVEST: Saturday 31st August
  • AUTUMN: Saturday 26th October
  • WINTER: Saturday 28th December
Cost is dependent on whether participants take part in the full experience or particular elements. For full details, please contact Sylvia Edwards at:

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